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welcome to normal<reg> recipes

chocolate cremeux cake

make it normal<reg>

or make it FANCY :)

chocolate cake

  1. combine oil, sugar + salt - mix
  2. sift all dries
  3. mix in cocoa powder, then flour + baking soda
  4. mix until the batter is smooth
  5. pour into greased cake pan
  6. bake @ 350˚ 30-40 min

chocolate cremeux

  1. combine cream, sugar + salt in pot
  2. cook on medium heat until hot, but not bubbling
  3. temper in the yolks
  4. add yolks to cream + mix constantly
  5. cook until the mix has thickened + you see the first bubble
  6. remove from heat immediately
  7. pour over the chocolate + let sit 1 minute
  8. immersion blend until smooth
  9. let cool overnight in fridge

honeycomb candy

  1. combine water, corn syrup + sugar into pot
  2. cook on low until sugar has dissolved
  3. increase heat to med/high
  4. cook unti the sugar is just barely turning amber
  5. remove from heat immediately
  6. sift if baking soda + whisk quickly
  7. pour out onto lightly greased parchment paper
  8. let cool one hour
  9. break into small pieces + store in airtight container